
Hack Reactor Journal – Week 01 Day 03

Daily Retrospective

Today we:

  • Did pair programming on the “Data Structures” Sprint
  • Had a lecture on “Complexity Analysis”
  • Group watched a recorded lecture on “Advanced Data Structures”
  • Had a Q & A section covering the “Advanced Data Structures” lecture

Hack Reactor Journal – Week 01 Day 01

Daily Retrospective

Today we:

  • Worked on pair programming covering a review of the pre-course’s “underbar” project, a re-implementation of underscore.js/es6 features of javascript.
  • Had a lecture covering debugging and the chrome developer tools
  • Had a lecture on “How to Succeed” and “Success Metrics” (how we are evaluated in the program)
  • Released to work on checkpoints (homework essentially) and do slide review

I have been filling the time by working on the checkpoints ahead of time and I’m now complete for the week. Because of this I’ll have free time during scheduled checkpoint time so moving forward I will be trying to do further review of the practice problems and I hope to do some interview prep as well.

Hack Reactor Journal – Week 01 Day 02

Daily Retrospective

Today we:

  • Had some time to work on a checkpoint assignment and review slides
  • Had Self-Assessment 0
  • Had a lecture on “Intro to Data Structures”
  • Had a lecture on “Coding Best Practices”
  • Had time to work on the “Data Structures” Sprint

Hack Reactor Journal – Week 01 Day 00

Today was the beginning of Hack Reactor’s March 2023 cohort, a program designed to develop one into a job-ready Software Engineer.

I will be creating a journal during my 13 week journey with the following goals in mind:

  • Produce at least a daily retrospective to provide some insight into the true experience of the program
  • Uphold some personal accountability for my efforts throughout the day
  • Allow for the potential to grow a following and develop my personal brand
  • Create a reference moving forward in order to spot potential areas of improvement
  • Reinforce learning through reflection and attempting to teach/explain concepts to aim for mastery of the material

Daily Retrospective

Today we:

  • Covered introductory information about the program
  • Participated in pair programming covering the program’s pre-course’s recursion problems
  • Discussed hoisting and usage of var/let/const
  • Created a video “acting as the interpreter” where we discussed evaluation of a code snippet without running the code
  • Completed a checkpoint, essentially a quiz, which covered usage of this and prototypes